Handling Imbalanced Data

Imbalanced data problem is one of the most often encountered challanges in practice, which will usually leads to barely satisfactory models. To alleviate this problem, HyperGBM supports two solutions as follows:

Adopt ClassWeight

When building the model such as LightGBM, one first calculates the data distributions and assign different weights to different classes according to their distributions when computing loss. To enable ClassWeight algorithm, one can simply set the parameter ``class_balancing=’ClassWeight’when usingmake_experiment`.

from hypergbm import make_experiment

train_data = ...
experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

UnderSampling and OverSampling

The most common approach to handle the data imbalance problem is to modify the data distribution to get a more balanced dataset. Then one trains the model with the modified dataset. Currently, HyperGBM supports several resampling strategies including RandomOverSampler, SMOTE, ADASYN, RandomUnderSampler, NearMiss, TomekLinks, and EditedNearestNeighbours. To enable different sampling methods, one only needs to set class_balancing='<selected strategy>' when using make_experiment. Please refer to the following example:

To enable UnderSampling and OverSampling, set class_balancing=‘<strategy>’ when creating experiment. An example code is as follows:

from hypergbm import make_experiment

train_data = ...
experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

For more information regarding these sampling methods, please see imbalanced-learn.