How to customize storage in HyperGBM?

HyperGBM store intermediate data (model files, cache data, etc.) in the work_dir, which is a subdirectory under your system temporary directory by default.

  • Customize the work_dir location

  1. Create directory conf under the location where you start hypergbm or your python script

  2. Create file under the conf directory, with the content:

    c.StorageCfg.root = '/your/full/path/for/work_dir'
  3. Run hypergbm command or start your python script as normal

  • Use s3 compatible storage as HyperGBM work_dir

  1. Install s3fs

  2. Create directory conf under the location where you start hypergbm or your python script

  3. Create file under the conf directory, with the content:

    c.StorageCfg.kind = 's3'
    c.StorageCfg.root = '/bucket_name/some_path'
    c.StorageCfg.options = """
            "anon": false,
            "client_kwargs": {
                    "endpoint_url": "your_service_address",
                    "aws_access_key_id": "your_access_key",
                    "aws_secret_access_key": "your_secret_access_key"

Refer to s3fs for more installation and connection information.