NSGA-II Searcher example

This is an example about how using NSGAIISearcher for multi-objectives optimization.

1. Import modules and prepare data

from hypernets.utils import logging as hyn_logging
from hypernets.searchers.nsga_searcher import RNSGAIISearcher

from hypergbm import make_experiment

from hypernets.tabular import get_tool_box
from hypernets.tabular.datasets import dsutils
from hypernets.core.random_state import get_random_state

random_state = get_random_state()

df = dsutils.load_bank().head(1000)
tb = get_tool_box(df)
df_train, df_test = tb.train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2, random_state=9527)

2. Run an experiment within NSGAIISearcher

experiment = make_experiment(df_train,
                             searcher='nsga2',  # available MOO searcher: moead, nsga2, rnsga2
                             searcher_options={'population_size': 10},

estimators = experiment.run(max_trials=10)
hyper_model = experiment.hyper_model_
NSGAIISearcher(objectives=[PredictionObjective(name=logloss, scorer=make_scorer(log_loss, needs_proba=True), direction=min), NumOfFeatures(name=nf, sample_size=1000, direction=min)], recombination=SinglePointCrossOver(random_state=RandomState(MT19937))), mutation=SinglePointMutation(random_state=RandomState(MT19937), proba=0.7)), survival=<hypernets.searchers.nsga_searcher._RankAndCrowdSortSurvival object at 0x000002177944F6A0>), random_state=RandomState(MT19937)

3. Summary trails

df_trials = hyper_model.history.to_df().copy().drop(['scores', 'reward'], axis=1)
df_trials[df_trials['non_dominated'] == True]
trial_no succeeded elapsed non_dominated model_index reward_logloss reward_nf
0 1 True 0.461761 True 0.0 0.256819 0.3750
3 4 True 3.794317 True 1.0 0.540632 0.0000
4 5 True 0.321852 True 2.0 0.217409 0.6875
7 8 True 1.844163 True 3.0 0.164959 0.9375
8 9 True 1.606298 True 4.0 0.190964 0.8750
9 10 True 0.716679 True 5.0 0.218916 0.4375

4. Plot pareto font

We can pick model accord to Decision Maker’s preferences from the pareto plot, the number in the figure indicates the index of pipeline models.

fig, ax  = hyper_model.history.plot_best_trials()

5. Plot population

fig, ax  = hyper_model.searcher.plot_population()

6. Evaluate the selected model

print(f"Number of pipeline: {len(estimators)} ")

pipeline_model = estimators[0]  # selection the first pipeline model
X_test = df_test.copy()
y_test = X_test.pop('y')

preds = pipeline_model.predict(X_test)
proba = pipeline_model.predict_proba(X_test)

tb.metrics.calc_score(y_test, preds, proba, metrics=['auc', 'accuracy', 'f1', 'recall', 'precision'], pos_label="yes")
Number of pipeline: 6
{'auc': 0.826357886904762,
 'accuracy': 0.84,
 'f1': 0.23809523809523808,
 'recall': 0.15625,
 'precision': 0.5}
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